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Monday, October 16, 2006

When you got one no one cares...

So, this blog is about the trials of my life.. and right now that means in the big city known to all as Toronto.

Well... since moving here six months ago I have endured my share of bad apartments, bad money, bad jobs, bad men and bad luck in general.

What bothers me the most is that I have found when I didn't have a degree everyone cared.. and now that I do, no one cares. I have been working in the service industry for the past three years.. and have continued this trend in Toronto. Although most people stay in it cause they make serious cash.. I have cause I haven't been able to find anything else.. how retarded is that???

Anyone else just out of university experiencing this frustration?

as for the apartments... well I've moved 3 times in the past six months and I'm on to my fourth, without parents that want to fork up a considerable amount of money for first and last months rent... or for anything for that matter, I find myself jumping from one sublet to the next.... hoping to find something permanent... doesn't help that my bubbly personality got my ass fired at the end of the summer:P Stupid cliques... but that's a whole other topic...

So my new place... quaint... small, downtown... perfect for the nightlife... but the nightlife requires some sort of monetary amount to sustain.. and although I've had my share... going out is so expensive that sometimes I find myself bored at home.. alone....

the apartment is freezing, the landlords promised they'd put a window in and haven't.. the breaker goes if you have 1 thing plugged in plus one element on the stove turned on... and oh wait.. here it comes... there's a massage parlor upstairs which makes for very interesting nights... such as the one where I come out of my apartment at 2am to find a older gentleman(which I'm sure he would prefer to be called) wondering if Ï was open for business" ha... I should...Make a little extra cash on the side...

anyways..There'ss plumbing problems and I have no internet or cable cause I don't have the money to put the deposit down....

IS this really how other people live???

so ya... I've been trying to find another job.... but it seems I either over qualified or under qualified.. and that, ladies and gentleman is a joke!

there's my rant for today.

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