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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Cheaters cheaters:P

so maybe I should add a couple to the first list....

if you think he's cheating.. HE IS

if he can't say I love you... its probably cause he doesn't love himself.. and well he's probably cheating on you!

well its 3am... I just found out that my ex cheated on me constantly while we were going out.... surprise surprise!... .... I don't really know how to react... he wasn't ever that great a person to be around... never paid any compliments to me... and has never made an effort.... wow.. writing it makes it sooooo silly....

I have no idea why I stuck it out.... I really needed bs apparently!!

Boys: if you are reading this... one piece of advice... Don't EVER tell her.... no matter what..... she never needs to know! don't try to do the "right thing" its not the right thing to tell her!!!!

Its weird though... the first guy that cheated on me.. I was a wreck.... couldn't eat.. sleep or anything... but right now I want to almost laugh... what a retarded thing to find out.... I mean its so stupid....

I am however wondering if there are any guys that don't cheat:P

So you want to know what's really going on.... I don't care about this whole ex thing.. what's killing me is that I don't have my mother to call.... how crazy is that?.... I used to say that no matter what happened to me... it could never be worse than losing my mom.... well here's the exact situation.... it doesn't feel like that big a loss.... But its the lack of someone to calla t 3am who will tell you that you are fantastic..
shit happens...

its crazy though.... I knew... my friends REALLY din't like him... and I knew underneath all of it.... i knew.... but I had completely convinced myself that there was no way cause I knew where he was at all times!!! and I could call whenever.... funny what you hide from yourself.

So here's the deal.
I let him manipulate me.. and make me feel bad for questioning his loyalty.... and the results are in... I was right. surprise surprise.... me right? lol

Oh well.

maybe it is a good thing I know.... I suppose it just makes it easier to know why you aren't together....

Here's the thing about cheaters....

people cheat... that's what they do... women do it, men do it... and if they're partners find out.. its devastating... and ridiculous.... but at the same time.. why don't we expect this from our partners? We are human... and its very much in human nature.... the way I see it though is... if you are cheating.. and you still want to stay with the person you are are with... here's some ground rules:

don't tell them ever
always use a condom
make them feel like they are the Queen/King of the world at all times.... atleast they will fell like the shit....

now you should know this won't make them feel any better when they find out... but its better to think you were with someone cause he treated you like an angel as opposed to he never gave you the time of day and you tried to make it work..... then you just feel stupid!!!

give them that decent respect....

also don't be mean abou it... don't talk to girls on MSN when your girlfriend is around... don't make her question her own instincts

that's not fair.

GIRLS: believe yourself... and if he's not a good lay.... get rid of him.. whether he cheats on you or not.... its not worth it!!!!Make sure he also treats you the way he's supposed to... and nothing less.. EVER! ie. he has to reciprocate oral sex!!!!if you are going to do it.. he better be up for it!!

look at me... no matter what I am still thinking about sex!!!


1 comment:

lee grabski said...

ignorance is bliss, eh?