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Friday, December 01, 2006

have I got a story to tell you!

Alright... so the past 24 hours have been so eventful in my life I almost think that it's the craziest day yet... and well potentially the craziest post yet... To all those who don't know me, my life is always dramatic.. there's always shit going on... and well when there isn't I know it's going to happen soon...

I don't even know where to start. Maybe at the beginning.

So a really good friend came to visit yesterday we had a great day, I had a little extra cash from my birthday so we went shopping the first time I had been retail shopping and not window shopping in FOREVER. I bought these really hot and comfy jeans at the Gap, plus a couple other things... went for lunch...did the sex in the city thing and drank some cosmos sitting in the window of this restaurant, checking out guys with my friends.

We had a great day, and then rented a couple of movies and went back t my place for a girls night with wine and movies and cigarettes... lots and lots of cigarettes... first thing, the HUGE bottle of Zinfandel that we bought to drink if we ran out of our other wine fell out of the fridge, and smashed.... FUCK ASS... hehehe using the sheet that my friend .. had previously spilled red wine on and ruined.. we sopped it all up and then got cleaner to clean it... I now have the cleanest floor ever.. but isn't that how everyone cleans their kitchen?

we watched a movie, got drunk... chatted, had a great conversation in fact about religion and what we believe... blah blah blah..

realized that I am the worse arguer in the world cause there's nothing I believe full heartedly that I would lay my life down to prove a point... I think that's what's wrong with people, they get an opinion and then changing that is like taking their arm away or something... what's the point? information always changes... you just ahve to be ready to hear it:P ANYWAYS...

so this friend is dating this guy... and he's not the greatest to her... well in my opinion... I don't know him much, but I do know when you start dating someone they should do no wrong in your eyes... cloud nine as they say.. the first few months should be like you are permanently drunk the things that bother you shouldn't show up for atleast a few months when the things you once found endearing piss you off entirely:P well that's not the case so far... anyways, her upset, we decide to go out.... we join a 'mutual friend of mine'... well lets be honest the guy I was fucking for the past .. how long, I don't know... but we've gotten more to the friends stage of life... and fuck only on occasion... I ended up taking them to this bar that was full of university kids... God I felt old... the place reminded me of the place I used to hang out at in Guelph in first year....

ANYWAYS... had a great night...
end of the night.. got a guys phone number... and walked out of the bar to find... GUESS....

the best friend and the fuck friend kissing.. HA.... it gets better... so needless to say. awkward.... got into the cab.. tried to make light of it... "I'm going home and drinking lots of wine and smoking lots of weed... this is weird"

by the way have I mentioned I'm the nicest... maybe stupidest person in the world...

SO, we are back to the code.(refer to previous post)

Don't fuck your friends fucks... not that they are fucking.. but seriously...

So... I try to make a joke... but still get really upset... I am also retardedly drunk...

To hear... "Well... I really like her" from the guy... are you kidding me? it's not just a drunken "I'm horny" moment... this is actually something???

Oh so now I'm pissed... long story I try to be understanding.. fuck I don't care... but lets be honest.. I'm worried about giving up my monthly fuck.. hahaha

they both wanted to leave.. i figured if they left we wouldn't talk again so thought we should just talk it out... no use... I asked them to leave.

So.... THERE'S MORE...

WELL... it's been raining here for days... I get home to find my rug absolutely drenched in water.... like you know when you look at a bog it looks somwhat dry and then you step on it and your feet gets completely soaked... same thing... the water has come up THROUGH THE FUCKING FLOOR.... told you my life isn't boring...

so my very hung over self... realizes that it's Friday and I have to deal with this immediately.. no sleep for me!

So well... ended up at the Landlord and Tenant Tribunal... there for 2 hours.. just to get forms to fill out to make my landlord fix the problem.... and he has yet to call me back on where the fuck I'm supposed to stay tonight...

so that was my 24 hours...
so tired...

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