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Friday, December 15, 2006

ah facebook...

So, Facebook. My cousin told me about it... and now I'm stuck... suckered... pulled in to this thing... I'm addicted. HA, well two things... first, I posted this blog site.

Dilemma: Do I really want people that I knew when I was 5, to know about all my crazy antics... then they'll find me out.. not that spending 2 minutes with me wouldn't solve that.. but ya, i debated it.. and posted it anyways.

So for all of you that are looking at this blog.. that I have known in my youth... be prepared!
This blog got started cause every time I hung out with my friends I always had a new story to tell them about guys.. they could never keep them all straight.. but at least they would laugh at my animated story telling. As a result one of them suggested I start a blog because of how funny my life can get.... so, that's where it started... hope you enjoy!

so the other dilemma of facebook... there's this thing that says: how do you know this person.. and there's a place for "we hooked up" so, well, isn't that a little ridiculous... I could check mark the guys that I know that I've fooled around with.. and so everyone else could know. a little crazy even for me... but I laughed.. cause there are a couple of guys that it certainly would be funny to put that that's how I know them!

anyways, I think I'm going to go home for Xmas... stoked.. and nothing else exciting... ciao

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