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Saturday, January 04, 2014

hear me roar

My life has been an interesting journey so far - to watch as the world changes. To see how the world is opening to the truths my mom realized all those years ago. To spend my life putting my heart above everything else.... to see how different a life that grants me - and to see the possibilities open up in front of me - that my truth is everyone's truth - but the only way one can come to that truth is through their own experience and reflection - belief cannot be taught - tools can be given - but the truth of your soul lies inside you.

It is the quiet whispers of your heart you must learn to listen to - you must learn to embrace - you must learn to love.

It is a difficult path to break old beliefs - to watch yourself come out of the dark place you put yourself in and embrace full self expression in a world that dubs disconnection to the rest of your own life as 'professionalism'.

Throughout life survival is the most important thing - as a child survival meant following rules that would keep you safe - following beliefs that would make those with power over you happy.... but you forgot that those weren't your beliefs - you questioned them as a child - survival as an adult means to find the truth of the child in your heart - the love that emenated from you simply for being alive. Survival means risking all for your own truth.

I don't know where my heart will take me - I don't know what layers my heart still has to unfold - what space inside I will find myself in.

All I know is that my truth has always been to be proud of the love I offered and the person I became. To be able to reflect on a life I am most proud of and to learn how to be my own cheerleader - to accept that people may not like me - and I may be different - but it is my own unique experience that offers me the opportunity to share what I have learned so far.

It's a weird thing being on this journey.

To learn how to be thankful for all the lessons - no matter how hard - and to recognize that I am at the center of my own world.

To become present and learn how to quiet the voices in my head - quiet the criticism, the constant looking for what is wrong, challenging the internal beliefs that there is something inherently wrong with me - that my overly emotional expression is nothing less than a gift. My authenticity, without attachment is the gift I offer the world - and even though it may not be understood - it is the greatest gift I can give - my vulnerable open self. To brave the criticism, to brave the misunderstandings and never make anyone else wrong for their own path.

To be true to my path, no matter how unconventional.... to look for the beauty in all the little things and to be thankful to be alive on this beautiful planet.

When we realize that the pain we feel in our hearts is the lack of love we have for ourselves and being brave enough to stand in the light and declare:


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