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Thursday, June 27, 2013

the summer solstice/ the full moon closest to the earth this year

So much has happened in the past month. Incredibly difficult... and incredibly terrifying. I faced my biggest fears.... I have survived the worst of my fears... and something has opened up inside me.. I see what I want... I see I can obtain it... and I trust that I may not understand how that is going to happen.. but by trully trusting myself... trusting the universe... trusting this crazy thing we call life... my ultiate dreams will come true... not because I pursue the money.. but because I pursue the feeling of freedom.... freedom from any oppression, free from any judgements... free from any fear.

I have been rejected by my twin. I have been rejected by my true love.... I have fought for myself and had to face that I was more important than any of my plans... my authenticism is what matters most.. and I will not sell out on myself for any reason.

bottom line is that I have never and will never sell out on myself... even in the face of losing the man of my dreams.. and even in the face of being faced with having to quit school.... give up on how I thought this was going to go... and I am incredibly empowered... and I realize... I have a book. I have sooo much to teach.. so much to share.. and this blog was the beginning, but my ability to synopsize my lessons is my next step...

I have a book inside me... and I am going to write the names of tentative chapters here.

what fires together wires together
how trauma triggers the first pain you have never dealt with
the biggest lesson of relationships
the biggest lesson of losing what you thought you wanted
our biggest fear of being with yourself
why you hate yourself - confusion between love and hate
why we get sick
the ultimate goal - self love, self acceptance
why we can't trust ANYONE
what is anxiety?
why we use drugs - hypothesis into the resulting mental disorders
why you hate your best friend/closest  family.
watching yourself
why we are sooo scared of ourselves and why we are so scared of everyone else.
what real meditation looks like... meditating through life.
men need to embrace their feminity and women need to embrace their masculinity
finding the child you still are
cleaning your house, finances, health, being on time, organization is a key component
the ultimate acceptance

the big hypothesis
the books I've read

I think ultimately this will become a website... where people from all over the world can contribute papers, and evidence to support the ideas they agree with. EVIDENCE is the only way to prove that my ideas can work FOR EVERYONE>... they have to be true. people think differently... I only attempt to explain it from my perspective. I do not claim to know the truth... I only claim to have hypotheses. This is my truth.. and if it is everyone else's then great. If not... then oh well.

So there.. that's what I have so far.

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