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Thursday, May 25, 2006

life lessons

the words I live by:

Enjoy the power and and beauty of your youth, oh never mind.... you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded, but trust me, in 20 years you will look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now, how much possibility lay before you and how FABULOUS YOU REALLY LOOKED.


Do not worry about the future, or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algeabra equation by chewing bubblegum.

The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle tuesday.

Do one thing everyday that scares you


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, don't put up with people who are reckless with YOURS.


Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind... the race is long.. and in the end its only with YOURSELF

Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults...If you succeed in doing this. Tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.....STRETCH

Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life, the most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know...STILL DON'T

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees.. you'll miss them when they are gone.

MAYBE you'll marry
MAYBE you won't

MAYBE you'll have children
MAYBE you won't

MAYBE you'll divorce at 40
MAYBE you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary

Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berrate yourself either


Enjoy your bosy, use it everyway you can. Don't be afraid of it or of what other people think of it.
It's the GREATEST INSTRUMENT you will ever OWN!

DANCE...even if you have no where to do it but in your own living room

Read the directions..even if you don't follow them

DO NOT READ BEAUTY MAGAZINES... they will only make you feel UGLY!

Get to know your parents.. you NEVER KNOW when they'll be gone for good.

Be nice to your siblings...they're your best link to your past and people most likly to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle...for as the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.



Accept certain inalianable truths:

prices WILL rise
politicians WILL fallander
you TOO will get old..and when you do you will fantasize that when you were young:

Prices were reasonable
Politicians were noble
and children respected their elders


Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse...
but you NEVER KNOW when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair...or by the time you are 40 it will look 85

Be careful who's advice you patient with those who supply it.
Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it, is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than its worth....

- Baz Lurhman

The lessons I've learned:

you are complicated, don't undermine your uniqueness

It's ok to keep a secret about yourself!

you don't have to take your pants off completely, if you are a girl, to pee!!

We are all in love with the IDEA of our partners..very few of us are in love with who they really are.

cellphones should be banned for all those who are intoxicated

sex is good...can be great..but sometimes its overrated

kissing in the rain really is as romantic as it looks

Good friends are special....make the effort

Sometimes your friends aren't as excited as you are about things in your life....its ok, they still love you.

Laughing is the greatest thing in the world to do

Mom's are the best thing a girl can have.... none of the bull shit will matter when she is gone. LOVE her..RESPECT her experience....


everyone deserves a chance


Nothing beats the words...."thanks for being there when I needed you the most"....

There is nothing wrong with working as a waitress!

A glass of wine and a cigarette are so nice together....

Don't expect too much from people.. they have their own bull shit to deal with.....
If there is a problem, and you don't know what it is.. its probably not you.. stop harrassing!

MUSIC is essential ...

the greatest feeling ever is having someone run their hand through your hair...

if you have spots all over you.. and you don't know why.. check the mattress for bedbugs!!!

Its ok to miss him.

Its ok to cry

Don't blame people for too much....they do try...

Adopt-a-parent is a great plan.....if you don't have one or either of your parents...any parent can be adopted just ask!

You'll be surprised what you forget...write your memories down

Don't sell your love short..just cause he's a dick doesn't mean its bad that you love him....there isn't enough love in the world.

Don't be too nice when it comes to a break-up..don't get fucked over

Running sucks

Don't be afraid of to skin contact is so important....

KISS...KISS passionately

If your friends don't like him.....TRUST THEM

Jazz rocks...Dancing is essential don't be afraid!

Being a night person can only last so day you too will be a senior citizen and will wake up at the crack of dawn!!!!

Its ok to sleep in and have a lazy day....on these days I wish Tim hortons would deliver!!!!

i love watching him sleep.

I love running my fingers over his skin....

I'm so lucky to be Canadian

When you don't have a degree..employers care...when YOU DO...they don't

Boondock saints is such a good movie!

sex and marijuana compliment eachother

gets charlie horses in their the middle of the night
gets shivers

when they see the matter how long they've waited to pee...almost pee their pants...


smells on occasion

is insecure about something


Living with your matter how the most enjoyable experience....

You only fight with people you trust.

Men don't understand the question: "when we first met what did yo uthink of me?" If they answer truthfully, their answer will almost ALWAYS BE "I was thinking about what it would be like to have sex with you..." So ladies.. don't ask.. they don't know what to say.. and they will ALWAYS get it WRONG!

No matter how many years has passed the next time you are single you will wonder what your exes are doing!

Don't expect too'll be dissapointed...let him surprise you...

Men and blow jobs just are...suck it up:P hehehehe

He may be cheating on you.... Do you really want to know? There's a bigger problem here

Have the nicest bums...

Don't sell yourself short...if you don't think he may be right for you....he probably isn't!!!

i love being in a relationship.. no matter how crazy it is....

Are the cause of some great friendships ending..... remember those people who are around no matter what? They want to see you too!

Men have their insecurities too...they might just be better at hiding them.....

he's never thinking about the same thing as you....

him not doing the dishes has nothing to do with you...he really just didn't feel like it...

sometimes he really does need to go out with the boys on his own....WITHOUT YOU ASKING WHY you can't come

your friends don't ALWAYS know what's best

are all different


Make sure everything is somewhat independent...people you visit will always have a different expectation than you....

Cultural differences do exist.. but no matter where you are....the most common conversations revolve around sex, drugs and drinking.....

You can still be bored if you are on the other side of the world

You learn who your real friends are when you are away.. they are the friends that take a few minutes out of their week to write you.

Don't fall in love with the IDEA of your current or ex partner..... its really easy and you WILL regret it!!


I may be having a shitty day...but my life is amazing....

I love love....I will always love

Sometimes its better to just let it go....


If you run into an old friend randomly, they are supposed to be in your life....make the effort

Don't be scared to ask the innapropriate question

If you are going through a breakup, love stories will only make you want him back....make you cry... but make you believe that love does still exist.....

people really do care about what celebrities are doing!!CRAZY!

Humans are amazing

I don't believe in structured religion...I don't understand it

I believe in something higher then me....I don't know why

I miss my mother...

I love my name...

there deffinately is a difference between fucking, having sex, and making love.......TRUST ME!

I'm a worrier..

Reunite with childhood friends..its amazing

I fantasize about stupid shit

I think about death alot....

I don't believe in may just really really piss me off

I'm always worried about what people think of me.

I think I need to lose weight before I do group excercise activities like aerobics/dancing/yoga

I believe my mom may not have done the right thing....but respect her choice

Single parents should be honoured

University is a joke...but you still learn alot..especially about yourself

TRUST know more than you think.....

He is not smarter than you..he's just better at arguing


Not very much changes in a year

Country music can be good

I love the smell of did mum

You will heal....but never forget...

Do what you need to do....

Don't be stingy with your love

There's something special about being kissed on the neck

Waxing hurts.... I don't care what other girls say...

Make peace with yourself... you're not going to get a better YOU....

let people believe what they need to....

the hardest thing is being with yourself....

When you are having a "skinny day" everyone still sees you the same as yesterday....

I'm soooo lucky..and I do have the best life....cause its ALL MINE!!!

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